
I work on pragmatist and idealist approaches to the problems of mind, meaning, and intentionality within a naturalistic worldview, with an equal appreciation for the history of philosophy and contemporary philosophical approaches to these problems. In general, my work lies at the intersection of pragmatism, German Idealism, and analytic philosophy.


Peer-Reviewed Articles

(2023a) Naturalism without a subject: Huw Price's pragmatism. Inquiry 66 (10): 1793-1820. Originally published online, 2020.

(2023b) What should the idealist critique of naturalism be? Inquiry, 66 (5): 903-916. Originally published online, 2019.

Book Chapters

Forthcoming, "Intentionality and Representation", in The Sellarsian Mind (Routledge Philosophical Minds series), ed. Jeremy Koons. New York: Routledge, expected 2026.

Forthcoming. "Sellars in Light of Dewey: Pragmatism and Mind in Nature", in Interpreting Sellars: Critical Essays, ed. Carl Sachs. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2024.


My dissertation argues that the pragmatist view of mind in nature must avoid a problem which is, roughly, a naturalistic and pragmatist analogue of Descartes' interaction problem, except between 'meaning' and 'habit' instead of between mind and body, a kind of interaction problem that threatens the very possibility of conceptual meaningfulness


Book Reviews

(2023) Single-minded animals sharing intentionality and norms. Review of The Single-Minded Animal, by Preston Stovall. Metascience. [Link].

(2022) Pragmatism's Evolution: Organism and Environment in American Philosophy, by Trevor Pearce. International Journal of Philosophical Studies 30 (1): 105-108. [Link].

(2021) A Spirit of Trust: A Reading of Hegel's Phenomenology, by Robert Brandom. Hegel Bulletin 42 (2): 301-304. [Link]

(2021) Pragmatism, Objectivity, and Experience, by Steven Levine. Philosophy in Review 41 (3): 204-206. [Link]

(2020) Responses to Naturalism: Critical Perspectives from Idealism and Pragmatism, ed. Paul Giladi. International Journal of Philosophical Studies, DOI: 10.1080/09672559.2020.1812967

(2018) Ad Infinitum: New Essays on Epistemological Infinitism, eds. John Turri and Peter D. Klein. Dialogue: Canadian Philosophical Review 57: 1, 194-196.  [Link]

(2015) Expressivism, Pragmatism, and Representationalism, by Huw Price. Dialogue: Canadian Philosophical Review 54: 3, 573-576.  [Link]

Selected Presentations

"From Pragmatism About Content to Pluralism About Intentionality", at i) Western Canadian Philosophical Association conference, 2023 (accepted; unable to attend and present due to illness); and ii) University of Connecticut Philosophy Department, 2021.

"Sellars in Light of Dewey: Pragmatism and the Problem of Mind in Nature", at i) Fourth European Pragmatism Conference, University College London, August 2022; and ii) Nature & Norms in Stereoscopic View: Conference on Wilfrid Sellars; Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary, May 2022.

"Political or Metaphysical? Overcoming a Rortyan Dichotomy from Representation to Liberalism, Richard Rorty Society at the APA Pacific, 2021.

"Rorty as Ideal-Language Philosopher", Richard Rorty Society, 2019.

"The Importance of the Introduction to Hegel's Phenomenology for Post-Sellarsian Thought", Society for German Idealism, APA Pacific, 2019.

"Intentionality and Pragmatism: Some Varieties and Recommendations", Western Canadian Philosophical Association, 2018.

“A Problem for Huw Price’s Pragmatism”, Canadian Philosophical Association Congress, 2017.

“Hegelian Insights for McDowell's Liberal Naturalism”, Idealism and the Metaphilosophy of Mind Conference, 2016.